Subject: ELA (English Language Arts)

Lesson Length: 30 mins

Topic: Frequently Confused Words

Grade Level: 4

Standards / Framework:

Brief Description: Students will correctly use the frequently confused words to, too and two.

Know Before You Start: Students often struggle writing the correct form of the frequently used words to, too, and two. This lesson will help clarify common misuse of these words.

Comic 1

Comic 2


  • Read and discuss sample Comic 1, illustrating how to use the words to, too, and two.

  • Ask students to discuss with a partner the meaning of to, too and two as demonstrated in each panel.

  • Model how to correctly use each form of the word to, too and two in writing.



  • Have students read sample Comic 2 and decide what form of to, too and two should be included in each panel. This can be done aloud or in writing.

  • Have students create their own three-panel comics demonstrating their understanding of how to use the correct form of to, too and two.


  • Have students share their comics with one another, and encourage them to use the correct form of to, too and two in their own writing.


  • Provide visuals and definitions for each form of to, too and two to use as a reference.
  • Provide sentences for students and allow them to choose the correct form.
  • Allow students to use the voiceover feature to read their comics aloud.
