Subject: ELA (English Language Arts)
Lesson Length: 30 mins
Topic: Frequently Confused Words
Brief Description: Students will correctly use frequently confused words there, their and they’re.
Know Before You Start: Students often struggle writing the correct form of the frequently used words there, their, and they’re. This lesson will help clarify common misuse of these words.
Comic 1
Comic 2
Read and discuss sample Comic 1 illustrating how to use there, their, and they’re.
Ask students to discuss with a partner the meaning of there, their and they’re as demonstrated in each panel.
Model how to correctly use each form of the word there, their and they’re in writing.
Have students read sample Comic 2 and decide what form of there, their and they’re should be included in each panel. This can be done out loud or in writing.
Have students create their own three panel comics demonstrating their understanding of how to use the correct form of there, their and they’re.
- Have students share their comics with other students and encourage them to use the correct form of there, their and they’re in their own writing.
- Provide visuals and definitions for each form of there, their and they’re to use as a reference.
- Provide sentences for students and allow them to choose the correct form.
- Allow students to use the voiceover feature to read their comics aloud.
- Allow students to use the speech-to-text feature.
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