Subject: ELA (English Language Arts)
Lesson Length: 30 - 45 mins
Topic: Capitalization and Proofing
Brief Description: Students will demonstrate correct capitalization in their writing.
Know Before You Start: Students should understand capitalization rules.
Display the sample comic. Ask students to analyze the comic for missing capital letters.
Have students discuss with a partner where capital letters should be used in the comic.
Discuss when capital letters should be used, e.g., proper nouns, titles, the start of a sentence, etc.
Model and discuss how capitalization helps the reader to understand text.
Using the sample comic as a guide, have students create a two-panel comic demonstrating the correct use of capitalization.
Panel 1: Include text using incorrect capitalization.
Panel 2: Show the same text written correctly.
- Students can peer edit each other’s comics and check for capitalization.
Print out the sample comic for students to correct.
Provide visual reference for basic capitalization rules.
- Allow students to use the voiceover feature to read their comics aloud.
- Comic to print or display: Comic.
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