Subject: ELA (English Language Arts)

Lesson Length: 1 - 2 hours

Topic: Writing Informational or Explanatory Text

Grade Level: 5

Standards / Framework:

Brief Description: Students will create a "News Story" comic to share information or explain a topic.

Know Before You Start: It would be helpful for students to research and learn facts to create a "News Story" comic.


  • Read and discuss the sample comic. 

  • Focus on how information is organized in a news story format. 

  • Explain that the comic included a clear topic sentence, a beginning, a middle, and a closing thought or conclusion. 

  • News stories usually answer the questions, who, what, where, when, why, and how?


  • Have students select a topic or provide a topic for students to research.
  • Once students have researched their topics, have them outline their news story comics.
  • Using the sample comic as a guide, have students create their own "News Story" comics to demonstrate their understanding of the topic researched.


  • Provide an opportunity for students to share their comics with others.


  • Print out blank comic frames for planning beginning, middle and end.

  • Provide a template for research (who, what, where, when, why, how?)

  • Allow students to use the voiceover feature to read their comics aloud.


  • Comic to print or display

Suggested Content Packs: