Subject: SEL (Social-Emotional Learning)
Lesson Length: 15 - 20 mins
Topic: Building Strong Relationships
Brief Description: Through this sample comic, students will learn to use compassionate words when apologizing.
Know Before You Start: Students should have some understanding of what a good apology looks like.
- Discuss the best ways to apologize. Is just saying “I’m sorry” a good apology? Why or why not? Remind students that an apology should be reflective and detailed about their regret.
- Review the components of a proper apology:
- Reflect on what happened.
- Accept ownership for your mistake(s).
- Rephrase what you meant to say now that you have regret.
- Ask the person you hurt how to make it better.
- Understand that the victim may still be frustrated.
- Read the sample comic as a class or independently.
- In small groups, have students discuss how they would apologize for each of the comic scenarios using the five steps of apologizing mentioned above. Model an example if necessary:
- “I’m sorry I took the book you were reading and accidentally tore its cover. I wanted your attention and you weren’t giving it to me as fast as I think I should have gotten it. I overreacted. I should have let you come to me when you were ready and not distracted you from reading. Can I do anything to make this better? It’s OK if you’re still upset with me.”
- Have students share their sample comic apologies with the whole group.
- Reflect on how students may use different words or emotions to say a similar type of apology.
- Allow students to use the speech-to-text feature.
- Allow students to work in pairs or groups as needed.
Display visual representation of proper apology components.
Act out or model a scenario and proper apology.
Provide sentence frames as needed.
- Allow students to use the voiceover feature to read their comics aloud.
Comic to print or display
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