Subject: World Languages
Lesson Length: 45 mins - 1 hour
Topic: Expression, Communication, Connection, Culture, Presentation
Brief Description: Students will build, reinforce, and expand their knowledge of other disciplines while using the target language to solve problems creatively.
Know Before You Start: Students should have fluency in the target language sufficient to create a basic dialogue that solves a problem.
- Ask students:
- “Why is it important to be able to express problems in a different language?”
- “What are some problems that may come up when traveling in another country?”
- “How can we describe problem-solving in a different language?”
- As a class, have students brainstorm problems they have sufficient vocabulary to discuss.
- Have students identify creative solutions and choose one problem to write about, e.g., replacing something that was lost, finding the way to a destination, or helping someone who is hurt.
- Using the sample comic as a guide, have students create a comic that portrays a creative solution to a problem.
- Have students share their comics with the class or in small groups.
- Have students explain why they chose the problem and solution featured in their comic.
- Discuss why it’s important to be able to talk about problems in a different language.
- Discuss creative ways to overcome a language barrier, such as body language, gestures, or mimes.
- Emphasize that learning languages often requires creative solutions to communication difficulties.
- Allow students to use the speech-to-text feature.
- Allow students to work in pairs or groups as needed.
- Allow students to use the voiceover feature to read their comics aloud.
- Students may find it helpful to draft their scripts in English first, then the target language, if they find it difficult to create original sentences in the target language.
- Allow students to use digital dictionaries/translators as appropriate for your class policy.
- Comic to print or display: Comic.
- 4 Circles Sequence Chart
- 9 Boxes Sequence Chart
- First, Next, Then, Last Sequence Chart
- Five Finger Retell
Suggested Content Packs:
Suggested Story Starters: