Subject: SEL (Social-Emotional Learning)
Lesson Length: 15 - 20 mins
Topic: Conflict Resolution
Brief Description: Students will read a conflict comic and discuss conflict resolution.
Know Before You Start: Students should understand what conflict is and be familiar with some resolution strategies.
- Have students think of a conflict they recently had at home or at school. Have them give a thumbs up if they handled the conflict well, thumbs in the middle if they handled it so-so, or thumbs down if it was challenging to handle.
- Discuss some helpful ways to resolve conflicts.
- Have students read the comic about a conflict between peers. Have students record their thoughts on the following reflection questions:
What is this story’s conflict?
What do the main characters want?
How can the characters work together to bring success to the situation?
Would you have handled this conflict differently? If so, how?
- Have students create a comic based on a conflict they've encountered and resolved.
Have students share their comics with the class.
Reflect on how different people handle conflict differently.
Highlight that there is no wrong way to handle conflict as long as it’s kind, appropriate and ends in an agreement.
- Allow students to use the speech-to-text feature.
Provide sentence frames as needed for conversation and writing.
Provide visuals of conflict resolution strategies.
- Allow students to use the voiceover feature to read their comics aloud.
- Comic to print or display: Comic.
- Suggested Reading:
- The Squirrels Who Squabbled by Rachel Bright.
Suggested Content Packs: