Subject: Social Studies
Lesson Length: 30 - 35 mins
Topic: State Symbols
Brief Description: Students will explore the historical context from which state symbols became meaningful and symbolic.
Know Before You Start: Students should be familiar with state symbols and be able to define the words: symbol and symbolism.
Show and discuss common symbols of the United States, e.g., flag, eagle, Liberty Bell.
What do you think of when you see these symbols?
Why do you think these symbols represent the U.S.A.?
Read and discuss the sample comic. Explain that each state has its own symbols.
- Have students research and identify two state symbols.
- Using the sample comic as a guide, have them create a two-panel comic illustrating the history behind both symbols.
- Display the completed comics.
- Have students complete a gallery walk to view the state symbols and discuss those that are meaningful to them.
- Allow students to use the speech-to-text feature.
- Allow students to use the voiceover feature to read their comics aloud.
Provide students with a list of state symbols.
- Comic to print or display: Comic.
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