Subject: ESL/ELL (English Language Learning)
Lesson Length: 30 - 45 mins
Topic: Suffixes
Grade Level: 2, 3
Standards / Framework:
Brief Description: This lesson is intended to reinforce the idea of determining the meaning of words with suffixes. Students will create a comic to inform others how to figure out the meaning of a new word using suffixes.
Know Before You Start: Students should have a basic understanding of common suffixes.
Read and discuss the sample comic.
How did Joe figure out the meaning of the word “homeless?”
Are there any other words that you could figure out using the same strategy as Joe?
Display several words that may be unfamiliar to your students, e.g., happiness, colorless, beautiful, fearful.
In pairs or as a class, have students determine the meaning of these words. For example, "The suffix _____ means _____, so the word _____ means ________."
Assign students an unfamiliar word with a suffix.
Using the sample comic as a guide, have students create a comic that informs their reader how to determine the meaning of the unknown word using the suffix.
- Have students share their comics with the whole class or in small groups.
- Display the comics in the classroom as a reference.
- Allow students to use the speech-to-text feature.
- Allow students to use the voiceover feature to read their comics aloud.
- Allow students to work in pairs or groups as needed.
Have students think of their own word with a suffix and a prefix.
- Adapt this lesson as needed to meet your students' language levels.
- Comic to print or display