Subject: ELA (English Language Arts)

Lesson Length: 5 - 15 mins

Topic: Spot the Differences

Grade Level: 1, 2, 3

Standards / Framework:

Brief Description: Use this fun little exercise to have your students practice their observation skills by having them list out the five differences between these comic panels. Or, use this idea to make your own Spot the Difference activities!

Know Before You Start: There are five differences between the two panels. 


  • Discuss similarities and differences. What are two things that are similar, and two things that are very different from one another?

  • What are some differences that do exist between two similar things?


  • Print the example comic, or take the idea to make your own with more or less differences.

  • Hand out copies to your students and have them find the differences, they can circle the differences on the printout or write a list of the differences they find.

  • Tell the students how many differences to look for.

  • Allow students to create their own Spot the Differences comics, and trade with a peer to repeat the exercise.


  • Have students swap papers with each other to mark a peer's answers or go over the answers as a class.


  • Have students color in the differences if you print it as a coloring page in black and white.

  • Have students practice printing or cursive when writing the list of differences.

  • Allow students to work in pairs or groups as needed. 

  • Have students add speech bubbles and captions to create more room for differences and allow them to use the voiceover feature to read their comics aloud.


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