Subject: History, Social Studies

Lesson Length: 1 hour

Topic: Understanding Regional Economic Development and Growth

Grade Level: 4

Standards / Framework:

Brief Description: Students will recognize and understand the impact resources have in the development and growth of their region, either locally or statewide.

Know Before You Start: Students should have an understanding of what a resource is, e.g., natural or man-made, and a basic understanding of supply and demand.


  • Brainstorm items deemed popular by your students, e.g., PS5, iPhone.

  • Discuss why these items are important to them, asking questions that relate to supply and demand, such as:

    • Why are these items popular?

    • Why do people stand in line to purchase these items when they are first released?

    • Are these items a need or a want? 

  • Read and discuss the sample comic.

  • Discuss resources that are necessary in your region, e.g., gold in California, steel in Pennsylvania, cotton in South Carolina.


  • Have students research a resource, e.g., current or historical, that is important to the development and growth of their region.

  • For planning and prewriting, provide students with a mind map graphic organizer. Have students place the name of their resource in the center and add the before, during, and after titles.
  • Research the resource and add notes to the mind map.
  • Using the sample comic as a guide, create a before, during, and after comic showing the impact that resource had on the region.

    • Panel 1: Show what the region was like prior to the resource being developed, found or brought to the region.

    • Panel 2: Illustrate the impact of the resource during the highest demand.

    • Panel 3: Show what the region looked like after the resource declined in demand, or make a prediction of the future of the region if the resource continues to be in demand.


  • In 30 seconds or less, students will use the “elevator pitch” strategy to give the big ideas of how their selected resource impacted their region. 


  • Allow students to use the speech-to-text feature.
  • Allow students to use the voiceover feature to read their comics aloud.
  • Have students classify all the resources as either a man-made resource or a natural resource.

  • Allow students to work in groups or pairs.

  • Provide sentence frames as needed. 

  • Use a graphic organizer to plan ideas.
