Subject: SEL (Social-Emotional Learning)

Lesson Length: 1 - 2 hours

Topic: Growth Mindset, Perseverance

Grade Level: 10, 11, 12, 9

Standards / Framework:

Brief Description: Students will demonstrate how they overcame an obstacle.

Know Before You Start: Students should have a challenging situation in mind that they are willing to share with the class.


  • Ask students:
    • “What strategies have you used to problem-solve when you are stuck?”
    • “What is a growth mindset?”
    • “What is resilience?”


  • Have students independently reflect on a challenge that they recently overcame and the steps they took to overcome it.
  • Have students create a comic that tells their personal success story.
  • Set up a gallery walk and have students examine the comics from each of their classmates.
    • While looking at the comics, students should write down strategies that their peers carried out to move past the challenging situation. 


  • Record the strategies shared by students on an anchor chart or sharable online document while students share their findings with the class.
  • Empathize that it is easy to give up when you’re faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
    • Discuss the benefits and the growth mindset that can occur when people overcome a tough task, e.g., self-discovery, improving problem-solving skills, etc.


  • Allow students to use the speech-to-text feature.
  • Allow students to work in pairs or groups as needed.
  • Allow students to use the voiceover to read their comics aloud.
  • Provide a list of common challenging situations for students in grades 9-12 that students can select from if they do not have one to use for the activity.


Suggested Story Starters: